
Today’s Best vs Tomorrow’s Best

I really love philosophical conversations. This is probably because of my feelings about how philosophy shapes our lives & certainly because of how it has shaped my career. About a decade ago I was talking with my manager about productivity. It was probably about my productivity and ways to improve it, even if she wasn’t coming right …

For Dad

close but not too close, empathy given free protecting from a distance, support supporting me love enveloping my life, compassion reigns supreme sacrifice for others, the sacrifice of dreams pain molded into love, discipline firm but true Passion pouring out, devotion breaking through speaking truth to power, standing for those who can’t fighting battles for …

Not My English

Kids are amazing creatures. My eldest son says such interesting things. One day, he & his mother were shopping & he spotted a package which he brought to her attention. He pointed out the writing on the package and said, “that’s Japanese”. He was right, and my wife was kind of speechless. I mean, he …